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Experienced Gwinnett County Mothers' Rights Lawyer

Georgia family courts are now more gender-neutral when it comes to parental rights and responsibilities. Decades ago, mothers had a ‘built-in’ advantage in matters such as child custody and child support, but today, our family laws recognize the equal parenting rights of mothers and fathers. Still, there are some family issues that leave Georgia moms confused or even vulnerable to losing their rights.

If you are a mother who wishes to ensure her parental rights in Georgia, reach out to Attorney Sharon Jackson. For more than 15 years now, Ms. Jackson has been trusted by mothers and guardians for her effective legal service and a deep understanding of motherhood issues. Ms. Jackson is a mom herself. She handles cases such as child custody, child support, visitation, legitimation, and more. Call Ms. Jackson’s Lawrenceville office today at (678) 921-3480.

A Mother’s Rights In GA Child Custody And Child Support

It is extremely common for parents to dispute over who gets to be their child’s primary custodian (parent with more than 50 percent share of custody). Mothers do not automatically become the primary custodian. They have the same footing as the legal father when trying to convince the court that they are best suited to raise their child.

You’ll have greater chance of getting primary custody, however, if you have been the primary caregiver of your child – that is, the parent who has been more involved in fulfilling the child’s daily needs even before the custody dispute. You can show the court, for example, that you have been the one to prepare meals for your child, bathe and groom them, help them with their homework, and attend their school activities.

The law also applies equally to moms and dads in terms of child support. The parent who has sole custody or primary custody of the child usually gets the support award, regardless if they’re the mother or father. If custody is 50-50, the parent with lower income will generally get child support, again regardless of gender.

As a mother, you can take steps to help the court determine that you deserve the child custody or child support you are seeking. Consult with Sharon Jackson to learn your best strategies to secure your parental rights in GA.

Rights Of An Unmarried Mother In Georgia

Who gets child custody if the child was born out of wedlock in Georgia? The biological mother will have all custodial rights until the father completes a process called legitimation. This is the legal recognition of the person’s fatherhood of the child. Legitimation is different from paternity, which is the biological ascertaining of fatherhood. A person who has positive paternity results must still go through the legitimation process to earn their legal parental rights.

Can an unwed mother receive child support in Georgia? If the biological father has already been established through paternity, the mother may file for child support from him even without legitimation. The judge will decide whether the father will be ordered to pay child support, but if the court grants this order, the father will be legally obligated to make the payments.

Note that paying child support does not automatically give the father some custody of the child or even visitation rights. The mother will retain all her custodial rights unless the father legitimizes the child as his and successfully petitions the court for custody or visitation rights.

Strengthening The Mother’s Case For Child Custody Or Child Support

As Georgia gives equal opportunity to legal mothers and fathers, you as the mother will want to present a solid case to the court when seeking child custody or support. Here are some things you can do to strengthen your case:

  • Compile all evidence showing you as the child’s primary caregiver. This may include the child’s school reports, medical records, daily schedule, and even photos with you.
  • Maintain a good relationship with the other adults in your child’s life, such as grandparents, teachers, and doctors. Their statements could significant in the judge’s decision-making.
  • Strive to keep open communication with the father, if possible. This shows the court that you are willing to allow your child’s relationship with the other parent instead of alienating them from each other.
  • Talk to a family law attorney to learn legal strategies tailor-suited to your child custody or child support case.

Contact Sharon Jackson – Mother’s Rights Attorney

Mothers in Gwinnett County and nearby areas count on Sharon Jackson to protect their parental rights. For 15+ years now, Ms. Jackson has effectively won family law cases on behalf of divorced parents and single parents, even in the most complicated family situations. See how Ms. Jackson can help you. Call (678) 921-3480 today.


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