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Experienced Gwinnett County High Net Worth Divorce Lawyer

High Net Worth Divorce in Gwinnett CountyA competent and experienced Family Law attorney is indispensable if you are a high-asset individual facing divorce.

Divorce is tremendously challenging for high-net worth spouses, especially in Georgia where divorce rules may lead to unexpected, troubling outcomes. The more valuable the assets, the higher the stakes are for each spouse, which often means extremely contentious cases. In addition, a high-asset divorce has an extra layer of technical complexity dealing with property laws, financial laws, and taxation.

In Gwinnett County, trust in skilled and experienced attorney Sharon Jackson. In her 15+ years of practice in Family Law, she has effectively protected the interests of her clients and obtained favorable results for them in their complex divorce cases. Call Attorney Sharon Jackson today at (678) 921-3480.

Here are some key issues to consider carefully when high-value assets are on the line during marriage dissolution.

Basics Of Georgia Property Division In Divorce

Perhaps the biggest concern in a high-asset divorce is the division of property between the spouses. Unlike some other states, Georgia does not adhere to 50-50 division; instead, it distributes the assets according to what the court thinks is equitable. To determine equitable division, the court looks into various factors including:

  • The standard of living during the marriage
  • The capacity of each spouse to earn after divorce
  • The assets that each spouse brought into the marriage
  • Child custody obligations
  • Spousal maintenance obligations
  • Any marital misconduct committed by either spouse
  • And more.

Note that only marital property can be divided in divorce. That’s property that, generally, either spouse acquired during the marriage. On the other hand, separate property are assets that each spouse owns and will keep after divorce. Separate property includes assets acquired prior to the marriage, and assets received as gifts or inheritance.

It is possible, however, for separate property to be “transmuted” or changed to marital property. For instance, if one spouse purchased the family home using his or her own money, but had it titled under both spouses’ names, it may be argued that the home is now marital property, regardless of whose money paid for it. Georgia also considers gifts between spouses as marital property, and thus subject to be divided during divorce.

Will Business Be Divided In A Georgia High-Asset Divorce?

Businesses are highly fought over during divorce. Under Georgia law, a business formed during the marriage is marital property and thus can be divided. But even a business that was started by one person prior to the marriage can be subject to distribution upon divorce.

The Georgia Supreme Court has made it clear that a person’s business “may be subject to equitable division if there is an appreciation in the value of the business during the years of the marriage due to the spouses' individual or joint efforts.” In other words, if the court found that the non-owner spouse contributed to the growth of the company, that spouse may be entitled to some interest in the business.

Spousal Support: Will High-Asset Spouse Have To Pay Alimony?

Georgia law states that alimony is “awarded to either party in accordance with the needs of the party and the ability of the other party to pay.” Hence, the court generally decides that the higher-earning spouse should pay alimony to the lower-earning spouse.

In determining the amount and duration of spousal support, the court weighs more specific factors, namely:

  • The standard of living during the marriage
  • The length of marriage
  • The age and physical and emotional condition of each spouse
  • The financial resources of each spouse
  • Time needed by an unemployed spouse to get back on their feet
  • The contribution of each spouse to the marriage (including non-financial contributions such as homemaking and child care)
  • The post-divorce financial situation of each spouse
  • Other relevant factors that the court considers “equitable and proper.”

If, after some time, either party experiences a significant change in financial situation, the court allows reassessment and modification of the alimony order. The paying spouse may request the court to reduce the alimony amount they have to pay.

Other Pertinent Considerations In High-Net Worth Divorce

When substantial assets are involved, a divorce becomes a complex, multi-faceted case which must be considered from various angles. It’s no longer just a Family Law case, as there are financial laws, taxation laws, property laws, and many other rules that may apply.

A high-net worth individual likely works with financial experts in managing and protecting their assets. But when it comes to divorce, it is wise to consult with a Family Law attorney to discuss specific concerns such as:

  • Will pension, 401(k), and other retirement accounts be divided?
  • What tax implications factor into property division?
  • How will valuation dates sway the distribution of property?
  • Are there clauses in the pre-nuptial agreement that affect property division, alimony, and other aspects of the divorce?
  • Are there unusual, hard-to-trace, or hidden assets with either party?
  • Are there Family Law statutes that may impact my current asset protection?
  • What out-of-state, federal, or international laws apply in this case?
  • How might divorce outcomes affect my estate planning?

Further, an attorney may be crucial in handling the nuances of divorce negotiations, especially since property conflicts between spouses can get highly technical as well as emotional. Choose a lawyer who has demonstrated a skillful handling of contentious divorce proceedings and an in-depth familiarity with Georgia laws.

Contact Sharon Jackson – Skilled Family Law Attorney

Whether you are trying to protect your interests during divorce, or claiming what is rightfully yours, Attorney Sharon Jackson can competently help you. With her strategic legal skills and perceptive handling of complicated family situations, she has obtained ideal results for her divorce clients. Talk to Ms. Jackson about your high-asset divorce. Call today at (678) 921-3480.


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175 Langley Drive, Suite A1
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